02-28 22:35:51 浏览次数:388次 栏目:祝福大全
2008年国际残疾人日的主题为“《残疾人权利公约》:人人享有尊严和正义”,英文:Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Dignity and justice for all of us
2007年国际残疾人日的主题为“为残疾人提供体面的工作”。 www.170xue.com
2005: "Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Action in Development" (残疾人的权利:参与发展) www.170xue.com
2004: "Nothing about Us without Us" (没有我们的参与,不能做出与我们有关的决定)
2003: "A voice of our own" (为残疾人提供体面的工作)
2002: "Independent Living and Sustainable Livelihoods"
2001: "Full participation and equality: The call for new approaches to assess progress and evaluate outcome"
2000: "Making information technologies work for all" www.170xue.com
1999: "Accessibility for all for the new Millenium"
1998: "Arts, Culture and Independent Living"
1997:Empowerment of Disabled:People–Building Civil Dialogue
1996:Poverty and Disability
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