

12-20 22:53:36  浏览次数:884次  栏目:英语口语

标签:日常英语口语900句,学英语口语,英语口语900句,http://www.170xue.com 情景对话:如何用英语请客?,http://www.170xue.com

Friends like to treat each other

  当你想请别人吃一个冰淇淋时,该如何说呢?很简单,只要一句“I‘ll treat you to ice cream.”就行了。这天,Susan就请她的中国朋友Maymay和Lin到快餐馆吃饭。 

  S: Here we are. This is my favourite place. 

  M: How many times have you come here? 

  S: I never counted. 

  L: I‘d like to sit near the window. 

  S: Please be seated. It‘s my treat today. 

  M: Fast food restaurants are popular now. 

  L: They are popular for quick, inexpensive meals or snacks. 

  S: What would you like to eat? 

  L: I‘ll try a steak sandwich with a hamburger. 

  M: Sounds good. I think I‘ll have the same. 

  S: Want something to drink? 

  L: Coke, please. 

  M: A cup of hot chocolate would be fine.

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