

12-20 22:59:14  浏览次数:672次  栏目:高中英语作文

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1. 高中英语作文的句型训练
我们认为,要提高学生动笔写英语句子的能力,关键在于能否正确运用英语简单句的五种基本句型:a) S+V; b) S+V+O; c) S+V+O+O; d) S+V+P; e) S+V+O+C,因为许多基本信息都可以通过这五种句型来表达。在训练每种句型时,我首先向学生解释该句型的含义,举例说明其用法,然后要求学生仿照例句,造多个类似的句子。通过这样的练习,学生就能记熟、记牢所练句型,从而达到理解和掌握句型的目的。
2. 就一组问题组合成文
这种训练可以有效地培养学生的英语逻辑思维能力。例如,我们在授完SEFC1(A),U.13 Abraham Lincoln后,给学生提出一串相互联系的问题:
a) When and where was Abraham Lincoln born?
b) What did he use to do when he was a child?
c) Where did he work as a young man?
d) How did he become a lawyer?
e) What did he work for in all his political life?
3. 缩写或改写课文(阅读材料)
3. 高中英语作文应段落组织
a) As a senior, this concept has become even more noticeable. In my freshman year, I told myself that I would live my life not caring what anyone thought of me.
b) Every day at school I see students trying as hard as they can to look popular, or at least somewhat cool.
c) I consider this to be a type of epidemic(流行病).when one person wears a new style, it’s not long before more and more people try to match that fad(时尚).
d) Through the years, I have discovered that almost everyone, no matter how old and young, tries to be cool.
e) Four years later, I believe that any of my peers(同伴)would agree I have stayed true to this commitment.
Every day at school I see students trying as hard as they can to look popular, or at least somewhat cool. As a senior, this concept has become even more noticeable. In my freshman year, I told myself that I would live my life not caring what anyone thought of me. I consider this to be a type of epidemic(流行病).when one person wears a new style, it’s not long before more and more people try to match that fad(时尚). Through the years, I have discovered that almost everyone, no matter how old and young, tries to be cool. Four years later, I believe that any of my peers(同伴)would agree I have stayed true to this commitment.

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