

12-20 22:53:02  浏览次数:660次  栏目:高考备考

标签:高考复习资料,高考复习方法,http://www.170xue.com 河北唐山2017届高三上学期英语期末考试试题,http://www.170xue.com

  W: I’m glad my only allergy is to homework.

  Text 8

  W: Excuse me, sir?

  M: Oh, hi. Can I help you?

  W: Can you tell me how much farther it is to Emberton?

  M: Emberton? Yes, that’s six miles away from here.

  W: Six miles! Oh, dear, I wish I’d known that. I’d never have tried to walk. Maybe I could have taken a bus. Anyhow, thank you.

  M: Well, just a minute. I’m going to Emberton in my car. I’ll give you a lift if you like.

  W: Oh, thank you. That’s very kind of you.

  M: But what about all these bags? Are you going to carry them all the way?

  W: Oh, no, no. I’ll put them back. I’m so glad to have met you here.

  Text 9

  W: Wow, this place is great! There’re so many different smells and bright colors. What’s that?

  M: Homemade sausage. It’s great for sandwiches. Let’s get some for lunch. This is a vegetable market. You can get all sorts of things here, fruit, eggs, candy…

  W: Can I get batteries here?

  M: No, but we can get that at the market over there. Let’s go.

  W: What is happening? Why are they all yelling?

  M: They’re telling everyone what they have in their booths.

  W: Can you understand what they’re saying? So strange!

  M: Well, some of it. There are people from all over the world. Laos, Malaysia, Singapore…So they’re speaking different languages.

  W: What do they sell here?

  M: Clothing, hardware, electronics, you name it.

  W: Is it expensive? I want to get batteries for my clock.

  M: It’s pretty reasonable. Just point to what you want. Oh, one more thing, bargaining is a must.

  W: Wow! Shopping here is so exciting.

  Text 10

  This is Ned Weather, your weatherman. This afternoon heavy rain fell in our town. The big storm caused a lot of damage and the traffic came to a complete stop.

  Now let’s look at the weather report for tomorrow and the weekend. Friday will be warm and sunny during the day and cool at night. Temperatures will be in the sixties during the day and in the forties at night. You won’t need a heavy coat, but take a jacket to work just in case.

  The weather on Saturday will be nice in the morning and cloudy in the afternoon. It’ll probably rain at night. Showers are quite common during the spring, but you’ll have clear weather to do some gardening on Saturday morning. Sunday will be cold and windy, and maybe it’ll snow in the mountains. If you’re planning to go there, don’t forget your boots and jackets. And now for sports, here is Mathew Delaney.

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