

12-20 22:53:02  浏览次数:660次  栏目:高考备考

标签:高考复习资料,高考复习方法,http://www.170xue.com 河北唐山2017届高三上学期英语期末考试试题,http://www.170xue.com

  A.Canada Decides to Quit the Kyoto Protocol.

  B.Canada and the US Refuse to Cut Emissions.

  C.Developed Countries Hesitating to Cut Emissions.

  D.Developing Countries Supporting the Kyoto Protocol.

  61.According to the passage, ____ have refused to follow the Kyoto Protocol.

  A.Canada and AustraliaB.Japan and Canada

  C.the US and CanadaD.China and India

  62.People now are most worried ____.

  A.whether the US and Canada will return to the negotiation table

  B.whether developing countries will refuse to cut emissions

  C.whether China and India will carry the same duty as Canada

  D.whether more developed countries will do the same as Canada

  63.The writer‘s attitude towards Canada‘s decision is ____.



  Tickets and Events for 2012 London Olympic Games



  64.A Chinese who wants to get tickets for Olympic Football Tournament should _____.

  A.apply to a European appointed ATR by Dec.2, 2011

  B.purchase through NPC in China by Feb.6, 2012

  C.visit http://www.tickets.london2012.com now

  D.contact the NOC in China by Feb.6,2012


  65.____will be held in the Olympic Park.

  A.Walking and table tennisB.Running and basketball preliminaries

  C.Taekwondo and table tennisD.Men‘s basketball quarter-finals and taekwondo

  66.Which sport will last the longest period of time?

  A.Athletics.B.Taekwondo.C.Basketball.D.Table Tennis.


  New experiments discover rats showing sympathy and helping other rodents (啮齿类动物).It is a characteristic some scientists thought was reserved only for humans and higher animals.

  In repeated tests, rats freed another trapped rat in their cage, even when yummy chocolate served as an attraction.24 of the 30 rats opened the trap by pushing in a door.The rats could have eaten the chocolate before freeing their partners, but often didn‘t, choosing to help and share the goodies.

  ”Basically they told us freeing another rat is as important as eating chocolate,” said study author Peggy Mason of the University of Chicago.”That‘s a very striking thing.”

  In some cases, the rats first took the chocolate chips out of a container, but didn‘t eat them, then freed the other rat and shared ”almost as if they were serving them chocolate,” Mason said.The research is reported in Thursday‘s journal Science.

  Also, females showed more consistent care and help than males, Mason said.All six females freed their trapped partner while three quarters of the 24 males did so.This confirms other studies that show females showing more pro-social (亲社会) behavior than males.There were time when the male rats took the day off from helping their trapped partner, but the females never did, she said.

  Jeff Mogil at McGill University in Canada, who wasn‘t part of the study, said it was a little surprising but even more convincing.

  Both scientists said social understanding is probably a characteristic that is important in the evolution of animals.

  Mason joked that if rats can be so caring and helpful, ”there‘s a sense of optimism.It‘s something we could be.”

  67.In repeated tests, 24 out of the 30 rats _____.

  A.freed their trapped partners before they ate the chocolate alone

  B.ate the chocolate first and then freed their trapped partners

  C.helped the trapped partners and shared the chocolate with them

  D.took the chocolate and served it to their trapped partners

  68.In the experiments, _____ male rats freed their trapped partners.


  69.What‘s the difference between the behavior of male and female rats?

  A.Female rats showed more concern about their trapped partners.

  B.Male rats cared more about their trapped partners than females.

  C.Female rats behaved less pro-socially than male rats on the whole.

  D.Male rats didn‘t go away from their trapped partners for even a day.

  70.What can we learn from Mason‘s joke?

  A.We don‘t like rats because they are mean and selfish animals.

  B.Humans and higher animals are more caring and helpful than rats.

  C.Rats surprise scientists with more pro-social behavior than humans.

  D.Rats show such care and help that we humans should reflect on it.




  How to Select Your College?

  ”So, what are you doing after graduation?” Many juniors and seniors get bored answering that question over and over. 71Here are some practical tips to prepare yourself for the journey.

  *Talking to Your Parents.

  What if your post-graduation plans differ from what your parents have in mind?72If your parents want you to go to a college but you don‘t feel that college is right for you, explain why.


  Your parents probably don‘t know everything.For school and career guidance, visit your school adviser and talk with adult friends.Make an effort to talk to people in the fields that interest you.Ask friends and older siblings (同胞) who are in college about their schools and about other schools they‘re familiar with.

  * Making a Decision.

  Some people know from an early age exactly what they want to be and how they plan to get there. 74And that‘s OK too.School is also not just about careers and getting a high-paying job after graduation ?it‘s a place for learning about yourself and the world.

  * Selecting a School.

  If college is in your future, you need to plan.Which schools appeal to you? How do you decide on a school when there are thousands to pick from? Start by asking yourself questions about your preferences.Once you‘ve narrowed down your choices, you can visit their websites.75Try to do this when school is in session so you can get a good idea of what life is really like on campus.

  Hope these tips may help you to select schools and wish you good luck!

  A.Seeking for Advice.

  B.Following Different People.

  C.Not all of us are so sure of our plans, though.

  D.Talk openly with your parents about your plans.

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