

12-20 22:51:02  浏览次数:639次  栏目:初三英语语法

标签:九年级英语语法,初中英语学习方法,http://www.170xue.com 北京初三英语易错题总结118题(五),http://www.170xue.com

  ( ). 81. There _________ a lot of good news in today’s newspaper.

  A. is B. are C. was D. were

  ( ). 82. Ethiopian children are crazy about soccer, but __________ of them have soccer balls of

  their own. They have to play with a paper ball.

  A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

  ( ). 83. The people speak __________ of the film Not One Less. It is really necessary for every

  child to go to school.

  A. brightlyB. loudly C. happilyD. highly

  ( ). 84. ____________ students in his class are interested in listening to the music of Ludwig

  Van • Beethoven.

  A. A number B. The number C. A number of D. The number of

  ( ). 85. You won’t play the piano very well __________ you work hard on it.

  A. unless B. if C. when D. no matter how

  ( ). 86. The car accident ___________ because of the heavy fog.

  A. caused B. happened C. broke out D. brought about

  ( ). 87. Please ___________ at six o’clock. My plane leaves at 8:30.

  A. telephone me upB. wake me up

  C. call on me D. knock me out

  ( ). 88. There ___________ great changes to our city since the 1990s.

  A. are B. have been C. wereD. will be

  ( ). 89. After school, he often watches the school football team __________.

  A. train B. trains C. training D. to be trained

  ( ). 90. ________ have the football fans been in Seoul?

  A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How much

  ( ). 91. As well as __________ the fresh air,we enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

  A. breath B. breathe C. breathing D. to breathe

  ( ). 92. How many books have been returned already? __________________

  A. No one B. Nothing C. No D. None

  ( ). 93. The leader of the party was examining the soil near __________ the cave.

  A. the entry to B. the entry of

  C. the enter to D. the entrance of

  ( ). 94. Please___________ this form, giving your name, age, and address.

  A. fill with B. fill in C. full with D. full in

  ( ). 95. We __________ at the foot of the famous mountain.

  A. went on a camel riding

  B. went on a camel ride

  C. rode camel

  D. had camel ride

  ( ). 96. ---Did you finish your writing assignment (作业)?

  ---Of course I did. __________, I’ve got an “A”.

  A. Anyway B. On the way C. By the wayD. Whatever

  ( ). 97. Mary just has her_________.

  A.15-year-old birthdayB.15th birthday

  C.15 birthday D.15 years old birthday

  ( ). 98._________Batman, Spiderman was also made into a television program.

  A. Unlike B. Like C. Such as D. For example

  ( ). 99. I can’t believe ______ he told me just now.

  A. what B. that C. which D. who

  ( ). 100. We did a lot of activities in the summer camp ________games, small competitions,

  giving talks, and so on.

  A. including B. included C. to include D. include


  81-85 AADCA 86-90 BBBAC  91-95 CDABB  96-100 CBBAA

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