

12-20 22:51:02  浏览次数:470次  栏目:初一英语试题

标签:七年级英语试题,初中英语学习方法,http://www.170xue.com 2017初一上学期英语期末考试复习资料十,http://www.170xue.com

  →①four ②two?

  70. The flowers are by the window.(就划线部分提问)

  →①②the flowers?



  A: Excuse me. (71)

  B: Let me have a look. (72)_____________ I think it’s Lily’s.

  A: Lily. Is that coat yours?

  C: (73)________________

  A: It’s grey.

  C: (74)____________ I can’t find it.

  A: It’s over there. Put it on, please.

  C: (75)_____________

a. What colour is it?               b. Whose coat is this?

c. Oh, it’s not mine.                 d. Thank you very much


   Ⅷ. 书面表达(计5分)


  we have two new students in our class their names are lily and lucy they are two American girls they look the same they are twins ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



  A) 1. white2. Kate3. every4. see5. box

  B) 6. Is it Lucy or Lily?

  7. Who is your friend?

  8. Can you see the clock?

  9. Is Lucy’s coat new?

  10. What class are you in?

  C) 11. A: Where is Jim?

  B: He is in his room.

  Q: Where’s Jim?

  12. A: What are these?

  B: They are ten birds.

  Q: How many birds are there?

  13. A: Excuse me, is this your picture, Lucy?

  B: Yes, it is, Kate.

  A: It’s very good.

  B: Thank you.

  Q: Whose picture is it?

  14. A: What’s this?

  B: It’s an apple.

  A: No, it’s an orange.

  Q: What’s this?

  15. A: Han Mei, this is Kate, and her brother Jim.

  B: How do you do?

  A: How do you do?

  Q: Who is Jim’s sister?


  A: Hello! 5527788.

  B: Hello? Jim?

  A: No, This is Mike.

  B: Hi, Mike. This is Tom. How are you?

  A: Fine, thanks.Andyou?

  B: I’m fine, too. Is Jimin ?

  A: Sorry. He isnotat home.

  B: OK. Thank you. Bye!

  A: Bye!

  1-------5 BACAB6------ 10 ABCBC11---- 15 CCABA

  16. This17. How18. And19. in20. not

  21. babies22. her23. his24. Chinese25. new

  26. they27. photo28. write29. isn’t30. Tom’s

  31---- 35 BBCAB36---- 40 CDACA41---- 45 AABBA

  46---- 50 DAEGH51---- 55 IJCBF56---- 60 FFTTF61---- 65 CACAB

  66. sit down67. Is, here68. Are, aren’t69. What’s, and70. Where, are

  71---- 75 bcaed

  (1) We have two new students in our class.

  (2) Their names are Lily and Lucy.

  (3) They are two American girls.

  (4) They look the same.

  (5) They are twins.

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