

12-20 22:51:02  浏览次数:470次  栏目:初一英语试题

标签:七年级英语试题,初中英语学习方法,http://www.170xue.com 2017初一上学期英语期末考试复习资料十,http://www.170xue.com



  () 1. A. rightB. whiteC. light

  () 2. A. KateB. gradeC. kite

  () 3. A. heavyB. veryC. every

  () 4. A. seeB. threeC. meet

  () 5. A. sixB. boxC. bus

  B) 反应:根据所听到的句子,选择正确的答语补全对话。

  () 6. A. I don’t know.B. No, she isn’t.C. Yes, she is.

  () 7. A. Lucy does.B. Lily is.C. We have.

  () 8. A. Yes, I am.B. Yes, I do.C. Yes, I can.

  () 9. A. No, it’s new.B. No, it’s old.C. Yes, it’s different.

  ()10. A. I’m in Grade One.B. I’m in the same class.

  C. I’m in Class One.

  C) 理解:根据听到的对话及针对该对话所提问题,选出能回答该问题的最佳答案。

  () 11. A. He is at school.B. He is not in.C. He is in his room.

  () 12. A. Eight.B. Nine.C. Ten.

  () 13. Lucy’s.B. Kate’s.C. My teacher’s.

  () 14. An apple.B. An orange.C. I don’t know.

  () 15. A. Kate.B. Lucy.C. Han Mei.

  D) 听写:根据录音,补全对话。

  A: Hello! 5527788.

  B: Hello? Jim?

  A: No,16is Mike.

  B: Hi, Mike. This is Tom.17are you?

  A: Fine, thanks.18you?

  B: I’m fine, too. Is Jim19?

  A: Sorry. He is20at home.

  B: OK. Thank you. Bye!

  A: Bye!




  21. baby(复数)_______________22. she(宾格)________________

  23. he(名词性物主代词)_______24. China(形容词)____________

  25. old(反义词)______________26. their(主格)________________

  27. picture(近义词)___________28. right(同音词)_____________

  29. is not(缩写)_____________30. Tom(所有格形式)_________



  () 31. ---- Is Han Meimei an _____ girl?.

  ---- No, she isn’t.

  A. ChineseB. EnglishC. JapaneseD. French

  () 32. This is an old picture _____ my family.

  A. withB. ofC. toD. four

  () 33. I’m in ______________.

  A. grade 1, class 2B. Class 2, Grade 1

  C. Grade 1, Class 2D. one grade, two class

  () 34. This is a cat. ____________ name is Mimi.

  A. ItsB. HisC. HerD. My

  () 35. ---- ______ your mother?

  ---- She is a teacher.

  A. Where’sB. What’sC. How’sD. Who’s

  () 36. They are new students. Please _____ them.

  A. lookB. look likeC. look afterD. look out

  () 37. The students of Class Four _____ not on the first floor.

  A. haveB. isC .amD .are

  () 38. Mike sits between ______.

  A. Tom and meB. me and TomC. Tom and ID. I and Tom

  () 39. These are pears. Please colour ____ yellow.

  A. itB. theyC. themD. its

  () 40. ---- What time is it?

  ---- ________.

  A. It’s five o’clockB. It’s five hours

  C. It’s five a clockD. It’s five of clock.


  () 41. We go to school ____ Monday _____ Friday.

  A. from, toB. to, fromC. at, toD. on, and to

  () 42. Is his answer right ___ wrong?

  A. orB .andC. notD. nor

  () 43. ---- Are there ________ books on the desk?

  ---- No, there aren’t ______.

  A. some, someB. any, anyC. some, anyD. any, some

  () 44. Look! Here ______.

  A. is the twinsB. are the twins C. the twins isD. the twins are

  () 45. Let’s _____ basketball.

  A. playB. to playC. play withD. play the

  Ⅳ.对话配对(共10 小题,计10分)

  在B栏中找出A 栏相对应的答语。


  () 46. Good morning.A. I am.

  () 47. Who is on duty today?B. That’s all right.

  () 48. Are we all here today?C. Thank you.

  () 49. Nice to see you.D. Good morning, sir!

  () 50. How old are you, Miss Green?E. Yes, we are.

  () 51. How are you?F. See you!

  () 52. Excuse me, where’s the washroom, please? G. Nice to see you, too.

  () 53. Welcome to China!H. It’s a secret.

  () 54. I’m sorry.I. Fine, thanks! And you?

  () 55. See you later!J. It’s this way!





  This is our classroom. I can see 50 desks and 50 chairs. I can see some brooms under a desk. On the wall I can see a map of the world(世界). There are some flowers and a pen on the teacher’s desk. There are some books on my desk. My schoolbag is in my desk. Miss Gao isn’t my teacher. I’m in Class 2. Mr Deng is my teacher. We all like him.


  () 56. We all like Miss Gao. She is our teacher.

  () 57. You can’t see a map of the world in the classroom.

  () 58. You can see some flowers in our classroom.

  () 59. We have fifty chairs.

  () 60. My schoolbag isn’t in my desk.


  I am Kate. I’m in Class Four. I’m a girl. I am twelve. Look at that boy. He is in my class. He is John. Look at the English book. That is his book. My book is not here. My bag is not here, either(也). They are at home. But my bike is here. I have a good friend at school. His name is Tom. His bike is not here. It’s at home.

  () 61. My name is ___________.

  A. TomB. JohnC. KateD. Polly

  () 62. John is in __________.

  A. Class FourB. Class ThreeC. Class TwoD. Class One

  () 63. Tom is ________.

  A. a catB. a girlC. my friendD. a bird

  () 64. _______ bike is at school.

  A. MyB. Tom’sC. John’sD. Our

  () 65. ______ bag is at home.

  A. IB. MyC. HeD. His 


  Ⅵ. 完成句子变换(共5小题,计10分)


  66. 请坐在那边。(汉译英)

  → Please ①②over there.

  67. 今天都到齐了吗?(汉译英)

  →①everyone ②today?

  68. There are some CDs in the box. (变疑问句,并做否定回答)

  → ①there any CDs in the box?--- No, there ②.

  69. 4-2= ? (用英语表示这上算式)

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