


02-29 22:40:41  浏览次数:228次  栏目:英语学习方法

标签:英语学习计划,英语学习资料,高中英语学习方法,http://www.170xue.com 英语听力八法,http://www.170xue.com
CityWeatherTemperatureBeijingClear10-16HarbinLovely3-14NanjingSunny23-25ShanghaiRainy12-18FuzhouClear and rainy19-31  这种方式由于直观性和数据化,因而对听力材料有所限制和选择。

  7、听——写(Listen and write)听写(Dictation),这种方式主要培养孩子准确记录材料的能力,其中又有听写、填空、完成句子等多种形式。听——略写(Listen and outline),要求迅速掌握所听材料的重点,并用笔头表达出来。听——改写(Listen and rewrite),训练孩子理解听力材料后,用已学的语言材料进行书面重新表达,是一种难度较高的练习方式。我们以New Concept English第二册第34课为例(听写部分略)。


  Ted felt worried because he received a letter from the police to call him .At the station, a smiling policeman told him that his bike was found in a small village. Ted was stolen twenty years ago when he was fifteen.


  As a boy of fiftenn, Ted lost his bike. Twenty years later, he because. worried when he heard from the police ,because he had to call at the police station .But when he got to the station , a smiling policeman told him that his bike was found in a far-away willage as good news. Ted became surprised and amused when he heard that, because he never expected that.


  8、听——译(Listen and translate)在外语教学中,母语与外语两种语言的转换是必不可少的。这种转换是语言理解的一种方式,也是语言交际的重要组成部分。其训练方法又有两种:①听——口译(Listen and interpret)。此种方法既训练孩子听力理解的准确性与敏捷性,又可使其戏剧化、角色化。②听——笔译(Listen and translate)。此法的要求也有程度的区别,可以译出梗概或大意,也可准确翻译。对于高年级或程度较好的孩子,还可以“信、达、雅”方面进行更深入的要求。

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