

12-20 22:50:51  浏览次数:718次  栏目:小升初英语辅导

标签:小升初辅导大全,http://www.170xue.com 2017小升初英语试题完形填空专项训练27,http://www.170xue.com

  One day a beggar walked about five miles in the hot sun. He was tired and wanted to 1 . When he came to a crossing, he saw a tall tree. On the side 2 the tree he saw a board. It said, ”Take This Road To Franklin” ”I will rest under the 3 .” said the beggar. ”I can lie on the board and sleep.” While the beggar was 4, a doctor rode up to him. ”Wake up, beggar!” said the doctor. ”I am lost. Can you tell me 5 road to Franklin?” ”It‘s too hot to think.” said the beggar. ”I can‘t think in such a 6 day.” ”Here is a dollar.” said the doctor, ”Now, will you think?” ”Of course, I will, sir!” said the beggar. ” 7 that road to Franklin.” After a while, a driver stopped to 8 the beggar which road to Franklin. ”You must give me a dollar.” ”Turn to the left,” the beggar said. The beggar went back to 9 . Five minutes later a farmer woke him up. ”Which is the road to Franklin?” he asked. The beggar got 10 dollar and the farmer went along the road.

  1. A. drive B. eat C. rest D. ride

  2. A. with B. of C. by D. for

  3. A. tree B. sign C. road D. bed

  4. A. to sleep B. slept C. sleep D. sleeping

  5. A. right B. which C. short D. only

  6. A. warm B. cold C. hot D. wet

  7. A. Walk B. Take C. Run D. Bring

  8. A. telling B. asking C. ask D. tell

  9. A. sleep B. walk C. read D. write

  10. A. three B. more C. paid D. another.




  例如这道题的第5题,很多孩子就犯糊涂,也有很多孩子选了A right。先不从语法角度来判对错,其实原文就给你了答案。在driver向beggar问路的时候文章中说which road to Franklin(红色标记处),你要是通读全文能敏感地看到这,就能选出正确答案了B which. 另外从语法角度来说,right是形容词,前面应该加上the,只能说the right road。

  再例如第7小题,意思说乞丐想路人指路说:这条路通往富兰克林。很多孩子选择了walk,其实文章也给你了答案。在一开始说乞丐躺在路牌上休息时文章是这样描述的take this road to Franklin.(红色标记处)所以这道题选择B Take。孩子你发现了没有呢?

  最后我们在填空时一定要细心注意题中设计的语法陷阱。例如第10题,很多孩子觉得这个乞丐得到了三美元,所以选择了A three。一定要看清楚了哦,孩子们,如果选择A的话题中的dollar就要改成dollars,变成复数形式了对吗?所以这道题只能选择D,表示又得到了一美元,孩子现在明白了吗?




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