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口语:Greetings before a Conversation

12-20 22:59:14  浏览次数:583次  栏目:初中课外提升

标签:初中学习,http://www.170xue.com 口语:Greetings before a Conversation,http://www.170xue.com

Greetings before a Conversation

Sometimes you stop and talk for a minute as you say hello. This type of greeting is followed by a conversation. Close friends often hug when they greet each other, especially after a long time without seeing one other. Men sometimes give each other a hand shake or a high-five (touch palms above the head).



•Stand near a person and say hello. 靠近对方说“你好”。

•Express happiness to see a person. 表现出你见到对方很高兴。

•Ask a question or begin a conversation. 问问题或开始对话。

Useful Phrases

•Nice to see you.

•Long time no see. (I haven't seen you in a while.)

•What have you been up to?

•How are things?

•It's been a while. (It's been a while since I've seen you.)

•What's new?

•Not much. (answer to What's new?)

Pair Practice (casual between friends or coworkers)

A: Hi Corey.

B: Hey, Jennifer. Good to see you. (hug)

A: You too. How've you been?

B: Busy, you?

A: Pretty good. How's your new job?

B: It's okay. There's a lot to learn. What's new with you?

A: Not much. The kids are back at school.

Note: Between very close friends it's uncommon to use names in a casual greeting. Sometimes nicknames or short forms are used. (Cor and Jen instead of Corey and Jennifer).

,口语:Greetings before a Conversation
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