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初三英语unit 10导学案(二)

12-20 22:51:02  浏览次数:216次  栏目:初三英语阅读

标签:九年级英语阅读,初中英语学习方法,http://www.170xue.com 初三英语unit 10导学案(二),http://www.170xue.com

初三英语unit 10导学案(二)


  To extract information by listening to a TV advertisement

  To complete notes about an advervisement

  To extract information from a TV discussion

  To complete a conversation


  To extract information by listening to a TV advertisement

  To complete notes about an advervisement

  To extract information from a TV discussion


  To extract information from a TV discussion

  Teaching methods: Task-based teaching method, practice


  Step 1. Lead-in

  Daniel is going to watch a TV programme.On the programme ,people will discuss what it might be like to live on Mars.

  Step 2. Listen and write

  First listen to the passage and help Daniel make notes in Part A about if he wants to live on Mars.

  Step 3. Listen and write

  Now listen to the second part of the TV programme ,and try to find out all the information you need to complete Daniel’s lists in Part A2.

  Check the answers.

  Step 4.Write

  Tell the students that they can use the notes from page 12 to help them complete Part A3.

  When they have finished,they pass their answers to another group to check.

  Step 5. Role-play

  Ask two students to play the roles of Simon and Daniel.Ask them to read the conversation aloud. Other students listen and answer

  Would Daniel like to live on Mars?Why?

  Act the dialogar out.

  Step 6. Discussion

  Would youlike to live on Mars?Why or why not?


  Recite the important sentences.

,初三英语unit 10导学案(二)
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